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Introducing MoistureShield Composite Cladding

MoistureShield is moving up in the world. Not like a minor league pitcher ascending to The Show or an executive garnering that coveted corner office. We’re moving our traditional decking from underfoot—along with all of its core benefits—and moving it up off the ground to composite cladding used for exterior walls, facades and anywhere traditional wood cladding is used. Let’s dig in a little deeper.

What is Open Joint Composite Cladding?

Open joint composite cladding offers the same benefits as wood cladding helping to protect your new structure from natural elements like wind and rain, while also insulating it from the heat and cold. In addition, MoistureShield composite cladding improves the aesthetics of a building’s exterior. Our cladding also goes beyond the benefits of wood cladding, taking your structure to another level of protection.

MoistureShield's new composite cladding showcased at one of our recent trade shows. This durable cladding is a great option for both residential and commercial applications.

Why Use Composite Cladding?

Unlike wood, composite cladding simply lasts longer. How long does MoistureShield last? Our cladding and decking has had no structural field failures in over 30 years. That impressive feat is due to the fact that, like our decking, MoistureShield cladding features our solid core design, which offers 360-degree protection on all sides of the board. In fact, MoistureShield is the only long-lasting wood composite decking board approved for cladding that is ICC-ES AC524 compliant. Standard composite cladding is protected by a cap on three sides, over time that leaves the back of the boards vulnerable to damage where moisture runs through open joints. MoistureShield is the only wood plastic composite rated for ground and water contact, which mitigates warranty issues and provides not only resistance to rot and warping, but also insects and the elements.

More Reasons to Consider MoistureShield Cladding

What’s quality protection without attractive aesthetics? We offer numerous design options along with two different wood grains and six colors in Vision plus three colors in Meridian. Finally, all our products are sustainably made with 95% recycled content.

How to Buy?

Our cladding is available in MoistureShield Vision and Meridian product lines. Far from a new product, it’s our standard composite decking simply used for a cladding applications. Visit the Composite Cladding page for more information and elevate your next building project.