George Goor Vision Composite Decking DIY
From Decrepit to Dream Deck—DIY Style
DIY deck projects are booming like never before, as home and building supply centers see unprecedented growth, especially in outdoor living products. Many DIYers and homeowners are busily improving their backyard spaces and turning them into havens for relaxation or outdoor meals. One ambitious homeowner, George Goor of London, Ontario, Canada, took on the replacement of an old deck to make it safer, more family-friendly, and easy to maintain with MoistureShield Vision capped composite decking.
Before installing his new MoistureShield Vision deck, George had a pressure-treated wood deck that was in desperate need of replacement. “We had lived in the house for 20 years and the deck had gotten so bad I fell through the step, it had become a huge hazard,” said Goor. “And, it was so hot you couldn’t walk it in bare feet.” Goor said his wife and three daughters, all in their 20s, noticed right away that the new Vision composite decking surface with CoolDeck® Technology was much cooler to walk on.
Amazingly, Goor built the beautiful 16 X 27 square ft. Vision deck by himself, with no previous building experience or online plans. “I had very helpful tips from Copp’s Buildall and the MoistureShield staff to help me along,” he said. Because it was a replacement deck and just a few sq. feet larger, the township required no plans or permits to be submitted for his project. Goor said the installation was straight forward, and MoistureShield Vision composite decking was very easy to work with and the cuts were very precise. “We just love the rich color match and my wife and daughters can't believe how the deck remains cool. I like how it doesn't scratch or dent—these are superb products,” said Goor.

London, Ontario, Canada
Design Team:
George Goor (DIYer)
MoistureShield® Vision®
in Mochaccino with Cathedral Stone accents
“We now have five out of seven meals a week outdoors and plan to host our eldest daughter’s wedding for 42 people on the deck.”